The information here is not & should not be construed as medical/veterinary advice or a substitute for it. 
If your pet has renal failure or appears to be ill, please take him to a trusted veterinarian.
Copyright 2014  All rights reserved.
I've always given our dogs fresh fruits & vegetables, except for the ones that are bad for all dogs, like onions, grapes & raisins.  But we've always shared bananas, melon, apples, carrots, potatos, etc with them.  Roxie loves raw, baby carrots, so I use them for snacks.  She also likes canned peaches (I try to buy them packed in juice.)  I always drain & rinse any canned foods I give her to keep sodium & sugar content down.  Also, as her kidney disease has progressed, I no longer give her bananas, due to the potassium content.

Fruits & Vegetables

Animal crackers
unsalted stock
green beef tripe
fruits & vegetables
starchy carbohydrates
baby food
Here are some of the items I keep on hand for the lovely Miss Roxie's dining pleasure. Use the arrows to view previous/next items.  Use the dots to jump to a specific item & all the items.  Click on the picture of the item for more information.